Recap: Microsoft TechDays Baden AG

In March I went to the TechDays. They were awesome with very good talks and information.
In short: Microsoft changed their culture! Microsofts Presenters have Macs, .NET and many Frameworks are now OpenSource and hosted on github where everybody can contribute!
Microsoft hold Partnerships with Red Hat and many Linux stuff is supported in Azure!

Find all PPTs and some videos here:

Here my recommendation of must see videos and PPTs:

Keynote 3: A flight in the cloud with the Universal Windows Platform and Azure IoT (en)

Keynote 5: Future of data and databases (en)

TECH:  Was ist neu in SQL Server 2016?

TECH:  Webentwicklung mit AngularJS 2.0, SignalR und ASP.NET 5

Find ALL Presentations and some videos here:
